Learning Kayah Li
Learning the language of a people group is a thrilling investment
and will allow you into the Karenni people's hearts and homes.
Kayah Li is the name of the language that many Karenni people speak. Two .pdf files are available to help those who need some assistance in interacting with Kayah speakers:
While all the materials are based on the Western Kayah Li dialect, they can still be understood by other Kayah speaking dialects. Most of the refugees who are being resettled are from the Eastern dialect but are familiar with the Western dialect and writing system from being together in the refugee camp.
1. "Helpful Phrases" will be most useful to resettlement agencies, school teachers, etc. For those unfamiliar with the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), this is the place to start.
3. Learning Kayah: Some years ago, Literacy Specialist H. Anne (K) Helgerson completed the Western Red Karen Language Lessons. This is an excellent Kayah Li language learning book complete with drills.
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